Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Mio's Year im Kindergarten

Ich habe zwar nicht die passenden Bilder zu diesem Bericht seiner Kindergärtnerin, aber wir sind sehr stolz das unser kleiner Prinz sein erstes Jahr in fremder Obhut so gut gemeistert hat.

What a fabulous year Mio has had. It has been a year filled with laughter, love and learning. We have had such a great time with Mio and have enjoyed watching him blossom into a social, kind hearted, funny and inquisitive boy.

Mio is happiest when he is outdoors. He loves hanging out in the sandpit. His favourite thing to do is to play with the trucks and diggers, pushing them along and making tracks in the sand. He enjoys when water is added and he can make large hills for the tracks to go over. Milo also likes to cook in the play kitchen. We see him mixing, scooping and pouring sand from bucket to cup to plate. The addition of little spoons and cups has seen Mio delight in feeding the dolls a delicious concoction of sand and sticks that he prepares with great care. Mio enjoys both paying on his own and with others. He is alway happy to share his space with others and has begun to initiate play and involve children in his games. These friendships he is forming will continue to grow in the Possum room next year. 

Mio has a love of reading. He enjoys all different types of books and can often be seen sitting on a chair with a great big pile next to him. He read one at a time, carefully turning one page at a time and pointing at pictures he sees. When we do our story times Mio enjoys joining in. He is able to contribute confidently when asked a question about the story and loves anything with the suspense of a flap or books about animals or anything related to transport. 

Mio is becoming interested in craft and has taken  liking to collage. He loves to use the glue stick and delights in taking the lid on and off and rolling it up with his fingers. Milo is always very keen to join in our craft activities. Play dough is another area of interest for Mio. He has been practicing to use the rolling pin to roll out large lumps of play dough into lovely flat circles for him to use the cookie cutters. He gets so much joy to of pulling the cutter off and discovering the shape left underneath. Its magical to him. 

Music and movement are another area of joy. Milo is a so enthusiastic when we sig and he especially loves songs that involve actions or our puppets. We have been using the guitar and shakers during some of our group times and when Mio spots the guitar he excitedly runs to the mat and dos his happy little wiggle dance. 

In the outdoors Mio is confident exploring and climbing. He has become a huge fan of the castle and slide and climbs up, down and all over. He loves to yell out when he has made it to the top so we can cheer for him. The obstacle course is something that Mip has been practicing a lot too. His is building confidence in balancing and walking across the balance beam and jumping off onto the crash mat. Milo also loves jumping along our stepping stones and being a frog. He likes to create his own paths and sharing these with his friends. 

Mio has been building with our construction activities too. Large outdoor blocks, Lego and our small and large wooden blocks. Milo is able to make tall towers consisting of many carefully balanced bricks and can assemble multi level structures with the lego. He manipulates the smaller blocks well and especially enjoys building roads to drive the cars and trucks around adding ramps and tunnels. 

 It has been an absolute pleasure having Mio in the Bilby room. We will miss him! We wish Mio all the very best on his next adventure in to the Possum room.

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